More on Learning: Behaviorism

Journal Entry
Module 3 – Behavioral Theories

We learned so much about learning and even intelligence. Psychology has been a great helping hand in our journey to understanding who we are as learners and educators. Choosing to take Psych 101 during my undergrad years was not a mistake. It felt like I only needed to recall what I have learned then. I have just come to realize how important the discovery of behaviorism as a thought and how it could have probably led to understanding knowledge and thinking better.

I consider the awareness of the concepts of operant and classical conditioning constructive not just in accomplishing the tasks in this module. This has served me well throughout life itself. Through this awareness, I have come to an understanding of the nature of my job as a teacher . Even if I didn’t have the most convenient background, I was able to handle the tasks and understand what needed to be done. I still have so much to workout especially when it comes to managing behavior inside the classroom but at least, I’ve had a few ideas of how to manage my students.

On a personal level, rewards and punishments have accompanied me in surviving life and in reaching life goals. To save money, I always consider how rewarding a purchase can be. In preventing bad habits, I always consider the consequences way ahead of time. There can be a downside to this, especially with how it can seem to be restricting. This is the reason why I only choose which aspects to which I would apply the said concept. Life can be just about the experience, not necessarily about what we can get out of it.

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